Alternative medicine treatment of boils

Alternative medicine treatment of boils
Alternative medicine treatment of boils

Sore red tumor in the skin and painful and heart, and result in severe inflammation in adipose glands, and skin-invasion through albesilat noodles and slots glands or through blood from the heart-rot in the body contain microbes cluster or streptococcal septicaemia, and may produce also injuring skin in some parasitic diseases like lice and scabies, and factors leading to the occurrence of sore, friction and diabetes mellitus

Best alternative therapies "for its spray ring"

Using his spray ring to address the abscesses, boils and the poultice is a quantity of seeds powder in the Arena Bowl by the quantity of water and volatile mix until soft dough as, and then move the pot and put in another pot, and by the wider amount of hot water to boiling up to two thirds of the high pot, mix and continue to stir the mix for 10 minutes until it changes color to a dough consisting in bold where Flex has prepared the poultice, used alone are hot on the infected premises and covers Layer canvas and repeatedly renewed

The other spot treatments:

-Paints a sore or milling acid Tangerine and bean mixes with water and placed on a sore
-Olive fruit lets sore after disarming their skins
-Crushing quantity of love pine and mixed with some even asking about Halva, and become as an ointment, placed on a piece of cloth and then pack them sore, and left several hours and then adjourned after the sore, not pus ... the process is repeated.
-10 grams garlic juice + 90 g water + 30 grams of alcohol sberto then licking dimples in the mix
-Allubich made from crushed flower paper dealing with sore
-A combination of wooden coal powder Squeezer Islands, mixing the juice with 8 times of coal powder and left to ferment about 24 hours and then taken once or twice on the dimples per day
-It is possible to use milk cooked with honey bees and then licking the abscesses and boils in the mix
-Cooking with garlic yogurt and placed on the dimples

And other treatments:

-Boil 20 grams of dandelion roots in nganin of water in order to keep one cup, and drink the Cup day at multiple doses each teaspoon doses.

-Soak 50 grams of Chrysanthemum blossoms in litres of boiling water for seven minutes, then filter and drink nganan during the day