

History of boiling:

Hybrid, hybrid vegetables from boiling sea, resides on the banks of rivers and lakes, is located in Europe and Asia, and is used abundantly in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine.

Writings and Assyrian inscriptions show drawing boiling.
Dealt with Romans with bakers ' (flower) as his to WWF.
Medieval they cooked him with Leek Soup-making which is still eaten today.


Rich in water and minerals especially iron, calcium.
Rich in vitamin B. And folic acid to pregnant women, fetuses, and rich with vitamin C. K .

Uses and benefits of boiling medical:

1. boiling million for nature, calms intestinal spasm episodes which produces tense myself grow with bad weather in the fall, and when you eat foods that contain grain continuously such as lentils, beans, beans, and other ... Expelled boiling alariah, prevents gas, sores in the intestines.
2. Menem's skin and skin, the paper addresses skin infections and wounds by eating through a paper on wounds.
3. boiling activates the body, prevents anaemia due to iron and alvitamiat in it
4. breaking thirst, refreshing because it lives in the water and contains much of the water, and is frequently with autumn and winter.
5. urinary tract infections prevents boiling (kidney and bladder).
6. deal with headaches and migraine disease, calming myself, filtered mood and addresses before becoming ill, prevents tension and stress, and anxiety.
7. dealing with skin diseases such as boiling the Vitiligo, alopecia, through illness and placed on fruit skin in the affected area.