Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine

What is alternative medicine?

Alternative medicine can be defined as any therapeutic method does not use drugs and medicines to treat diseases, alternative medicine is named a road called currently used in the West, however, known since antiquity in all societies, including the Arab societies, herbs and cupping and ironing may all be included within the named alternative medicine, as well as in China, the Chinese have spread the use of needles and cupping and herbal widely.

And problems of alternative medicine that had not been subjected to practical experiences from a modern medicine, for example, did not apply to animals before human use, and study in regular schools but inherit him ancestral health practitioners.

What is alternative medicine therapies?

There are hundreds of methods for alternative medicine treatment, but we some of them which can be or are used in Arab societies, namely:

• Treatment of the Qur'an and legitimacy and by water Zamzam.
• Herbal treatments.
• Food therapy: treatment with the honey and includes Nigella and dietary fiber, fruits or vegetables, vitamins ... Etc.
• Cupping.
• Ironing.
• Acupuncture treatment.
• The recovery process.
• Psychological treatment: relaxation sessions include venting self-defence and cognitive therapy.
• Physiotherapy, heat and water exercises.
• Treatment by suggestion and imagination.
• Optimal treatment.
• Aromatic therapy.

Persons who use alternative medicine?

Frequently used alternative medicine among persons with chronic diseases.

Is alternative medicine effective in the treatment of diseases?

You can't judge all alternative medicine methods as effective or not, but as Muslims we must believe in the therapeutic methods described in the Quran and Sunnah as treatment with the Koran and incantation and honey and grain etc, we also urge doctors and researchers to conduct research to learn how each of these routes to health and disease