Treatment of cough and sputum alternative medicine

Treatment of cough and sputum alternative medicine

-Boiling potatoes:

Wash the quantity of potatoes well, then go to ztghali its husks in water for fifteen minutes on fire, then boiling calm filtered seawater black with the honey (honey cane) and dose: cups warm after each fruit.

-Juice Islands:

Very useful in purifying chest and remove mucus

Well, then wash the carrots and mitigates water hashes, and its decoration with honey bees or sugar as alhaghwalgrah: Cup three times daily

-Boiling guavas papers:

Useful in treating cases of colds and coughs and bronchitis

Sold in pharmacies drink from leaves of guava, or you can prepare it at home to take stock and then washed well and boil in water and then liquidate Kobe glycaemia wechrbwalgrah: daily

-Drenched Basil syrup:

According to expel and expand bronchial sputum

Steep cut sheets of dried flowers and branches in water by teaspoons per cup of water, leaving the saturated long enough and then filtered and drank, and its decoration balaslwalgrah: around 2 TBS at intervals throughout the day

Here are several other recipes to treat cough:

-Date molasses

Fruit treats alasal and albghalm analyses and resist colds and bronchitis

-Eaten cuisine teen, and drank water or drink boiling cooking paper

-Boil the quantity of barley with water to keep the fivefold fives 2/5, and drank when necessary

-Boil love oats and drank deep cough

-Drinking juice lettuce

Boiling aniseed drink.

-Grilled onion crust, and then eat it

-Drinking juice the quinces or interrupt the quinces, and steep and drank 20 grams of the infusion or 30 grams of juice

-Boil 50 grams of paper or blossom the quinces in liters of water and drank whooping cough

-Drank cherry juice mixed with water

-Taken water pills and pine buds, or drenched 30 grams of buds in later water 3 hours (persistent llrshohat and all the ills of breathing streams)

-Cook arena and taken with water melons, or eaten boiled with the later of 1 honey.

-Mixes equal amounts of vinegar Apple, honey and Glycerin, fail well, taken during the 24 hours several times, and take 1 tsp every two hours, severe cough at night once or twice, according to whooping cough and bronchitis.

-Taking a mixture of boiling grape molasses arena and chest pain, chronic cough and lung Reed.

-Cooked and eaten raisins for expulsion and the coughing sputum and clean the respiratory tract.

-Eaten cough and asthma leek, Leek Soup for colds

-Eaten or drank boiled or hibiscus from its infusion for all the ills of the chest

-Lettuce juice is taken several times whooping cough

-Soaked in 100 g of milk or water (liter water) and drank for diseases of the genitourinary system and leaching

-Added lobe garlic to boiling milk, taking cough pertussis

-Eaten Apple to ease cough and sputum

-Cut the cloves of garlic, and soak in teaspoons of honey black 3 hours, then filtered and used when necessary, cough.

-Drink boiling shammar, teaspoon per cup of water, boil the water first and then add the shammar, and steep and drinks

Caution: you must visit the doctor if the cough does not improve within two weeks