

Components of strawberries, Fragaria:.

Strawberries or Fragaria rich elements and properties, which contains mineral salts as the calcium, iron, phosphorus, and contains acid lemon and Apple acid, fructose, and contains high amounts of vitamin A, B, C

Benefits and acts of strawberries, Fragaria:.

And the test its tonic properties and renewed activity.

According to people with tuberculosis and osteoarthritis

He trained for urine

The natural world (Lenny Linne) infected gout be treated to strawberries and followed by many after his health improved.

Strawberries are also useful for the Pebble urinary bladder formed

Also benefit strawberries in some liver lesions.

Since the largest amount of sugar in the fruit are easy assimilation Levulose allghilos more than other types of sugar for people with diabetes, so patients are advised to eat strawberries.

Strawberry not only public health precautions for people who complain about indigestion and have acidity and hepatitis and Poly and appendicitis.

In medicine it is recommended that you take the juice from 4-6 spoons, am glycaemia, as a remedy for its stones, kidney and gall bladder.

Strawberries as salt metabolism regulator has stagnated and recognized doctors.

Drenched Strawberry

According to stop intestinal infections, and prepare the infused:

Cuba poured hot water on the amount of fruit, large spoons and leave for 10 minutes and taken twice daily to three

Boiling leaves of strawberries

Boiled the soaked strawberries papers record and its use as a treatment in tuberculosis and infections of the colon and blood filter and gargle for sore throat, and boiled papers useful in relieving asthma

Boiled attends as follows:

Cuba poured hot water on two large tablespoons of sheets, boil-in-exile for five minutes and drained in a suitable receptacle and then covered pot, placed immediately into the pot with hot water and leave it for two hours, and taken from him by 40 grams 4 times daily