Cosmetic means existing in the kitchen

Cosmetic means existing in the kitchen

Cosmetic means existing in the kitchen:

-Tea: used in spot it compresses work to hide the lower eye u.s. auras, and give the hair shine and vitality, where tea leaves to boil in an appropriate quantity of water burning, and uses the resulting tea water for washing hair

-Urgent: to get rid of swelling below the eyes warm bath work where an appropriate quantity of dissolved salt and that command and close the eye several times or can be replaced by test piece of cotton in warm salt and placed over the eye

-Honey bees: a spoonful honey bees in the water bath makes the skin to resist stress and bring sleep, according to mix honey with a quantity of milk or yogurt fresh dry skin and make them dynamic, according to eat honey to treat many diseases of the body

-Yogurt: good cleaner is suitable for fatty skin especially skin by putting a layer of face and then rinse with warm water after 20 minutes to clean the scalp hair growth, and to help paint the scalp with the Civet before laundering Cape with the shampoo

-White: supply is good for skin especially fatty, it helps to close the pores, and mask of the eggs and beat well on x-ray road egg or ingredients, facial skin after 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly with lukewarm water

-Iodine: protects the skin from wrinkles and the tears which occurs in fish, onions and grains such as chickpeas and beans, peas and others.

-Selenium: resist aging of the skin and the emergence of wrinkles and saves him, and is the property of the flexibility available in garlic and ferment beer and alkbedh eggs and tomatoes

Sulfur: from minerals important for health skin and breathing exercises and deficiencies can lead to cracking of the skin, the most important seizure of eggs and vegetables such as cabbage, fish, cereals

-Zinc: most important minerals for health and safety of the epidermis and skin, it is necessary to form collagen and cells, and in meat, grains, seafood

-Address: iron, which gives a nice red color of your cheeks and lips red makes his sanguine, and is available in varieties of lentils and beet, lettuce, cabbage and alkbedh and brain and black honey white