

Onions leapt from ancient place among important food, Arafa former Egyptians and they glorified him and divided by stiffer faith, have immortalized his name in their writings on the walls of the pyramids and temples and the papers medical Papyrus, which recorded many recipes for use in treating their illnesses were

Putting doctors and priests Pharaohs onion on top of the lists of food-which was distributed to workers who worked in the building of temples and pyramids, as they called tonic and feed wemshhia and Purifier of blood urine and diuretic.

And Greek and consecrated him as doctors for several diseases, and used fresh onions for signalling the covering prospects in tattoo and its fumes smell of sobering and heart stimulant for breathing and blood circulation

Allium Cepa onion is known scientifically, and belongs to the lily platoon
Contain onions on a pilot oil organic materials mainly sulphuric consisting alallele sulfate induced alyannis enzyme, it also contains protein, carbohydrate and some metals and the effects of vitamins including vitamin A and C

Old medicine praised the benefits of onions, advised fruit raw or cooked contaminated water damage benefit and Yuhmur face and pushes the harm pollution & toxics and strengthen stomach and they stir up against him and moderates sputum and opens the dam and expelled gases and filtered antiseptic in the intestine and stomach soothing and healing, Vixen, and the grilled him serviceable
According to the onion to cure chest rattling good wrench back and hip, and its water if a substitute with honey white NAFI impaired eyesight and the downward water from the eye, and if Qatar ear useful impairments and buzz and running pus ...

Onion preserves the skin's skin, hair, reinforced lbesilat wemnfth bowel movement is active and stimulated, making it useful for capture, and stimulus to the uterus and strengthens the heart and stimulate the circulatory system and hormonal characteristics saves by Glycemic, eating onion helps prevent blood clots, where onion increases blood flow and reduces the incidence of atherosclerosis, as it prevents cholesterol deposition on the walls of blood vessels

No different importance to different ways of dealing with onion and used both boiled or grilled or eaten fresh or

The onion contains: silarin a ghlikosidih, and silarin b, and these articles due to the effect of vegetation in cardiovascular therapy, Board of the heart, and help to improve and organize strikes
The onion also contains vitamin C anti-oxidation and decomposition, in addition to sexual hormones-men
Onion contains a alkloknine (similar to insulin), which sets the percentage of sugar in the blood, therefore the onion of medicines useful for diabetics, and used in cases of dropsy (increased water in the abdomen), swollen legs and abdomen emphysema some heart diseases due to its yeasts these yeasts, influenced by heat therefore preferably eaten raw onion extract more useful and effective, and onion benefit prostate

Cautions use of onions after stored a section, it is oxidized and consists of a toxic substance, so you should only use the onion store section

Scholars say that the onion contains plenty of effective substances which exceed in influence many antibiotics that kill bacteria, and therefore widely used by Russians to resist diseases of cold and flu in their winter shivering as medicine people successful few results and costs and content is available at all times and places

According to the summary of fresh onions in atherosclerosis and diabetes, and a healing force high in the case of hypertrophy and prostate symptoms, eating raw onions helps generate urine, disconnect the yeasts which it good Fatih digester; appetite and is indispensable for good food with a strong stomach, especially if taken with bread and cheese

Some interested that the onions play a role in cancer treatment, through the crust onions after dried well in the Sun, then grind dried crust with a weight from oak bark, then kneading thoroughly with honey, take a spoon of mixture after each meal dissolved in juice Islands per day for a month, then inhale vapor onions before sleep for a month also

Doctors recommend that free food with cancer from onion in all meals, soft onion eating also helps cleanse the body and hampers the growth of bacteria and activating blood circulation and stimulates the body's immune system and makes it active against bacteria and viruses that weakened body resistance

Using onion from abroad after roma and lightly heated and then work from its spout placed over the chest to treat whooping cough or chest and back to address pneumonia or ironing position to address poor urine or around the neck and above the larynx to treat audio capture, and click dimples to accelerate stoitha and healing.
Cover the poultice is working to position with minced onions and hot treatment coverage and installed a piece of cloth Kittani and canvas Sophie saves heat and renews the poultice when necessary after 12 hours
Rub into scalp also Tangerine onion hair loss treatment, painting is also used to treat the mother feet resulting pressure, narrow shoe ointment by blending fresh juice of onion in olive oil
It also deals with sores malodorous betlbikhha with a mixture of olive oil and onion hash
And using onions as intestinal chased bar when children fall into some slides from soft onion with a little water throughout the night and filtering in the morning and gives the child after its decoration with the honey and continue daily to expel worms from intestine
Onion addresses children cough with multiple small doses (1 TSP) of onions, cooked with the honey
Dealing with asthma by giving 1 tsp every three hours of mix onions with honey with equal parts

Onion slices are used in the treatment of alcalo (eye) of the foot by installing slides about where alcalo from evening until morning, and repeat the process until the disarmament alcalo of foot bath with hot water and SOAP

Using onion if sounding and warm with olive in treatment breast nipple sores and abscesses hemorrhoids, eat onions is useful for skin hair wemko
Either the smell of onions, remove chewing Mint or parsley alakhshr

To deal with swelling of the fingers in winter are hot on his splash of onion hand or foot and a decline in olive oil with massage

In the case of eczema, like onion juice is taken from the wild thyme, and manufactures of this mixture and cream painted after scanning the infected place with diluted vinegar and reiterates that a day with the diet of allergens and eat fruits and vegetables

To address kidney disease and gravel taken onion without peeling weihashi where flour Noi al-Balah after its roasting coffee, then eaten once daily for a week, and this eliminates kidney infections and expelled gravel and minerals

For diabetes, eaten daily relevance and help eat part of the plant of the cabbage (cabbage)

For people living with migraine, taking mug onion placed fern herb masculine sans honey so motivated, and then placed in a piece of gauze and placed after filtering on sister for five minutes, then kept in the fridge and repeats until the demise of migraine

Study prepared by researchers at Harvard University to address the relevance of one per day limit the risk of cardiovascular diseases, because onion elements inhibit blood clot

Alyasin, which contained the onion is working for the growth of fungus and is antibiotic

Describing books medicine onions that strengthens appetite, jaundice, goes and generates the urine, and gravel are crumbling, and its water goes Teardrop itching and scabies, and with vinegar according to sexual lust, if Choi and fat with ghee or studied the pile (s) in ghee go fat, if it formed by the body good colour and pure skin, purifying and onion and press ear and hearing, and onion eliminates influenza if given at the beginning or impair their strength
For ophthalmic use onion too, mixing equal mkodrain of onion juice, honey, which distills from mix in eye am and pm, and this is useful in treating white water in the eye
Tagged onions in cases of constipation and renal colic, Bisher onion milk then drank, for colic and renal, spoon vinegar drink spoon onions, ends mixed colic in minutes

Daoud said the onions, Antioch that opens the dam and strengthens appetite when men and women go jaundice and gravel are crumbling, and its water works and cut such brain snuff and scabies, and eat grilled moisturizes wombs

Ibn Al-Bitar for onions, light food and lust and coarsened and tenderized moderating of the abdomen, and if cooking more profitable and increase in urine, they stir up against him to eat boiled

Ibn Sina in the law on onion seed, and lets him go Vitiligo about placement of Vixen, very good salt reduces warts and its water works dirty wounds, if sat 100 pure head and rasterizes the permission to the weight of the head and ears buzz and the matter