

The scientific name for the chestnut:

Aesculus Hippocastanum

Parts used:

Dandruff and fruit


Regions of Northern and Central Asia, and from antkolb to England in the mid-16th century.

The name derived from the word Esca Aesculus any food, is the name of the so-called races of oak and chestnut tree grown in Europe for decoration and ornamental in cities and private gardens and a street salesman Russkoe Natsionalnoe Edinstov and planted with trees, a prosperous bloom spring to give beautiful scenery.


The fruit contains the following articles:

• Water
• Ash
• Zeit routine exchange
• Carbohydrates

Medicinal uses:

Reinforced bearing crust and psychedelic mutant such heat, and using cobalt plating on wounds and sores.

Either the fruit is used in the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgia any aches caused by the nerve.

And also fruit does God use in problems and diseases of the rectum and diseases of the internal and external hemorrhoids.

And chestnut chestnuts meal to cows and sheep and pigs, for cattle producer has increased weight, and for sheep was a good influence without any satisfactory, as for pig did flirt chestnut meal.

And food supply are chestnuts for pets.