The caraway

The caraway

Parts used in the caraway



The plant spreads in Central and Northern Europe and Asia, they grow automatically.
The caraway is from aromatic plants, which are characterized by features such as: mgshaeh and aniseed and cumin shammar, and according to the sown in eating and in medical treatment, and desserts and alcoholic beverages.


The caraway mix with milk, bread, and manuscripts talking about use of Emperor Julius Caesar for the caraway. As for food, it is rich Emperor soldiers with the caraway.

And belief that knowing the caraway started by Greece and the Romans, when Arabs who fired current Arab named: "as a narrator".

According to the book and the caraway veterans doctors in literature and famous doctor advises diskorids girls with faint faces take the caraway oil.

In medieval Europe, and in Shakespeare's era, it was the Caraway and popularity boom.
Mention the caraway seed are mixed with cooked fruit, bread and cakes, and mixed with dried fruits, and all these preparations used to expel alariah from the body or to treat colds and flu diseases.
In Germany the peasants cheeses and flavored and cabbage soup and bread with the caraway, and in Norway and Sweden eaten bread black blended with the caraway in rural areas.

And the oil extracted from the caraway mixes with alcohol.
Russians and Germans make from the caraway liquid (alcohol) called Kummel.
The Europeans believe that the existence of the caraway home prevents theft of these homes, as they believe that the existence of the caraway at home grave volatility prevents love between husband and wife. And the caraway have prevented albums and pigeons that getting their way and make them return to their nests safely, so they were placed in pulp contains the caraway Corral these birds.


Sowing contains:
Pilot oil 4-7%, and is also the latency exists.
- Carvol .
- Mental of Spearmint .
-And bagasse-based after extracting the oil contains protein and fatty oils, and give feed for livestock.

The caraway medical uses and benefits:

Seeding and oil resources of wild plant better than horticulture.

1. a flavour active digestion and takara and تجشئ, and remove indigestion.
2. strengthen the body with open appetite cute, and deals with nausea and abdominal cramping.
3. mixed with other medicines to remove the adverse effects thereof or to add flavor, and as an example of using the caraway with laxatives.
4. Remove alariah and cramps in adults and children.
5. crunched (powder) the caraway seed is placed on poultices, speeds up healing bruises.
6. deals with diseases of the chest and coughs and colds and the catarrhs, expectorant.
7. generation of urine.
8. generation's chest when lactating mothers.
9. address spot with hemorrhoids, were dealt with food.

The caraway damage:

-Maximizing it hurts the overall activity.
-Harmful sexual energy (breeding).