The marrows

The marrows

Parts used in the marrows

Fruit, sowing, a pumpkin varieties, and belongs to the same platoon: pumpkins and gourds, and the marrows closer to pumpkin than pumpkins.

History and home to the marrows

Native Central America.


-Mineral salts: sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.
-Vitamin a, vitamin c

Uses and benefits of the marrows medical

1. relieving thirst, reducing temperature almharorin patients.
2. relentless nature.
3. activates liver and prevents alrikan.
4. calm the nerves and treats psychiatric and calming of course.
5. generate urine, gravel and sand are crumbling.
6. dealing with diseases and infections of the chest and coughing, expectorant.
7. seed de-worming and expelled, especially the only worm.