Home treatments be or become harsh him sound resulting from inflammation of the larynx or false safe beverages
1. drink cinnamon Mint:
Boil powder cinnamon Mint or scrutinized in water and then filter and drink cups and Cup am pm.
2. the grape juice:
Drank the juice naturally am before eating.
3. drink milk, honey and butter:
Boil a spoon of milk in a cup of water, then add natural honey mechanism and its decoration plus spoon butter to increase effectiveness, and drank a cup am pm cups.
4. drink natural lemon juice:
It is considered one of the most effective in treating those drinks.
5. local with the honey: the gurgling with the cabbages
Is chopping cabbage leaf and then multiplies in a blender with a little water then filters and shown with the honey and simmer in the mouth.
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