

Parts used in coffee:

Seeds, paper, caffeine

Origin and history:

Original home southwest of Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Grown in Brazil and Abyssinia and all tropical areas of Africa and Yemen, which is known for its high-end and expensive species of coffee, and who is more expensive than Brazilian and African coffee.

Derivation of the name "coffee" from the town of Caffa. A province located in Abyssinia, coffee tree remains green throughout the year such as the olive tree.

Impact studies indicate that the inhabitants of East Africa in prehistoric times, love features coffee Activator. The ate unroasted seeds similar to cherry red, on many occasions, such as tribal wars and long fishing trips, and other activities requiring fine, attention, power, and power.

Entered the Arabian coffee tree from Abyssinia, in about the fifteenth century a.d., and Arabs who started grinding coffee and toasts and drink hot, as we do today, Avicenna wrote the first medical description of the impact of coffee activator and alarm to the body, nerves, Western recognition Avicenna named "doctor."

And then, for two hundred years the island offers the world's coffee. Glory and has expanded the use of coffee in the world quickly, but deployment was slow, so I stayed coffee 500 years in the Middle East, in the year 1517 enter Sultan Selim I coffee to Constantinople (Istanbul), and shortly afterwards introduced coffee to Italy dealers spices, and then coffee spread throughout Europe during the hundred years.

First Cafe, open at the University of Oxford in 1650. Where astronauts eat coffee during the chat, and read and write, and spread to London, where he were looking things political pro-autonomy or opposition.

The year 1938 exited Powell quick coffee production named "Instant coffee". NESCAFÉ company which granules, dissolved in hot water or boiled.

Coffee caffeine content varies depending on the method of preparation, for example, have a cup of coffee labeled quick coffee "NESCAFÉ" 65 mg of caffeine.
Distilled coffee cups contain 100-150 mg.
Expresso coffee cups contains 350 mg.
Turkey consumes a large amount of coffee that is legally allowed to obtain a divorce by the wife if the husband does not provide a sufficient quantity of coffee.


Roasted coffee contains:
• Coffee oil.
• Wax.
• Sufficient.
• Oils.
• Tanik acid.
• Chewing gum.
• Sugar.
• Protein.

Uses and benefits of medical coffee:

1. a tonic antidote for fatigue and fatigue by stimulating the central nervous system, brain, and this is important for those who drive their cars for long distances, it also reflects the effect of caffeine-containing medications, antihistamines which have the effect of calming, so added to cold medications containing antihistamines, and there are new medicines from antihistamines family had no calming effect.
2. stimulating exercise and sports, improving the performance of athletes.
3. using caffeine with antiretroviral medicines for colds, it removes the congestion in the throat and lungs, and because it prevents drowsiness caused by antihistamines.
4. an asthma and chest diseases. Removes sputum and cough and chest the catarrhs, allergies and asthma, bouts because caffeine expands the bronchus.
5. cure for aches and pains, hosting and is conjugated with aspirin and protein (pain killer). Over coffee with palliatives aches from the impact of these drugs eliminates aches. Caffeine has no direct impact on the Elimination of aches, but it contains a nice calming, this article helps pain to influence and increase their effectiveness (brother + renal colic).
6. prevent suicide, and caffeine shifts because of the caffeine effect improves mental and mood.
7. prevent kidney stones, caffeine-strong urine removes sand and gravel, but lose effect with habitual body doses.
8. drink 1-3 cups of coffee per day to prevent bitterness, which constitute the pebbles prevent 10% access gravel bitterness.
9. adequate menstrual problems prevented when females, it prevents the strong stream of menstrual blood when females, leading to weakness in the body and blood of iron deficiency. Caffeine acts as Strait of blood vessels in the uterus, leading to less blood during menstruation.
10. address the symptoms of travel over the Jet lag time named symptoms: dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, overwork, it get chaotic at biological human inside when transit flights in different times zones, such as the travel from the East or Europe to America.
11. adequate prevents overweight, it helps the body faster burning food and dining, which prevents accumulation of fat in the body, and have developed this strict treatment under medical supervision, caffeine helps only in very obese.
12. using caffeine in treating snake bites that have an effect on Sam, and nervous system leading to a decline in brain and spinal cord, and members of the task body, leading to coma and death inevitable, caffeine stimulate the brain and neurons, prevent this adverse effect.
13. activates blood circulation, and blessed blood vessels, therefore the caffeine article task used for heart diseases and therapies, it removes water from the heart and lungs and abdomen.
14. studies recalls that caffeine stimulates the circulatory system in the brain, and prevent strokes and alnshav diseases and especially scrapie. Coffee and coffee negatively affect the brain and nerves when living with mental illness, and are hated, and it also has a negative impact on the sexual energy and activity, and hemorrhoid disease anniversary and incites bouts epilepsy, and prefers to persuade patients infected